5 things to do when you feel overwhelmed

No more energy, no more strength, no more time, or wisdom?

As a Mother, have you ever felt pulled in many different directions there is just nothing more of you to give?  

As a business owner have you felt overwhelmed with tasks and workload that it just feels all too much?  

Perhaps family and friends are placing expectations and demands on you that you feel in this season you just cannot meet?

Friend, being in a place of overwhelm isn’t where you were meant to be.

It is guaranteed that at some point in life, you will feel overwhelmed, however it isn’t a healthy place to stay.

In this month’s blog we are sharing 5 tips or things to do when you feel overwhelmed.

1. Recognise it

If we continue to push down the feeling of overwhelm, we will never be able to deal with it. The longer we leave it, the higher it will pile up.

2. Deal with the situation causing the overwhelm

What happens when we push a beach ball under the water and try to suppress it so that we can focus on something else? The second we let go of the beach ball under the water, it rises up to the surface & causes a big commotion.

The same thing happens when we suppress emotions, how we feel, things on our mind, hard situations to deal with etc. We push them down, and basically wait until they could pop up at any second!

We instead need to recognise it and deal with the situation. Maybe that looks like talking with someone, taking some time out, or dropping that particular situation that is causing the overwhelm

3. Do something relaxing and refreshing.

This isn’t to suppress the feeling of overwhelm. It’s about doing something to fill up our cups again and have a change of perspective.

Maybe for you this looks like putting on some worship music, or going for a walk in nature, or having a massage, or baking something yummy.

4. Clean up [physical environment, emotional etc]

Often times the overwhelm seeps into multiple areas of our lives, and as a result is a continued compounding of overwhelm. Take some time to clean this up.

Maybe it’s taking an hour to clean your desk, or your house. Maybe it’s cleaning up the emotional baggage that you are carrying from bitterness or overwhelm, and we can spend time in prayer “cleaning” that up.

5. Take a physical, emotional, and spiritual time out

Here at Arise, we see the value of this step. In fact, we created retreats for this very purpose, you can browse our current retreats here. Alternatively, this may look like going to the beach for the morning to read and relax, or going on a long drive somewhere. Whatever this looks like for you, take the time to go away with God and allow Him to refresh your cups.

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Tips for overwhelm | Arise Sanctuary retreats
Tips for overwhelm | Arise Sanctuary retreats